China International Studies

No.63, March/April 2017

来源: China International Studies    作者:    时间: 2017-03-31

Global Economic Governance: New Challenges and China’s Approaches

Chen Dongxiao & Ye Yu

Global economic governance is facing a complex and grim situation where the old dynamics are being replaced by new ones and competition is becoming more intense. China has established a new direction to participate in and lead global governance, and it is strengthening coordination and intellectual support for global governance.


The Middle East Factors in Central Asia and Transcaucasia

Deng Hao

Central Asia and Transcaucasia is one of the world’s major Muslim-populated areas and is closely connected to the Middle East. Three major forces from the Middle East are actively seeking influence in the region: Iran, Turkey, and Islamic extremists represented by the Islamic State.


The Greater Eurasian Partnership: Remodeling the Eurasian Order?

Li Ziguo

As an initiative for pan-regional economic cooperation, Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership has the dual objectives of coping with short-term pressures and building a regional order in the long run. Due to similarities in scope, objectives and priorities, it could go hand-in-hand with the Chinese Silk Road Economic Belt.


New Developments in Japan-Vietnam Partnership: Impetus and Prospects

Zhang Jiye & Niu Jusheng

Japan-Vietnam relations have experienced remarkable progress as Japan is strengthening its strategic involvement in regional affairs, and Vietnam is advancing its domestic reforms and external balancing. It reflects their strategic consideration in response to China’s rise but is to a large extent beyond the will of China.


Implementing the Paris Agreement: Achievements and Constraints

Wang Ruibin

The Paris Agreement reflects a basic international consensus on climate change. Its implementation will reform international climate cooperation in a profound way, and also provide an important window for China to showcase its global governance concepts.


Freedom of Navigation in Arctic Routes: Regulations and Disputes

Zheng Lei

Through shipping regulations, coastal states such as Russia and Canada have established exclusive jurisdiction over the Arctic passages. With the opening of the Arctic sea lanes due to global warming, the focus is now on balancing jurisdictional rights of coastal states and freedom of navigation of non-regional countries.


Poverty Eradication in 2030 Agenda: China’s Efforts and Their Potential Impacts

Ye Jiang

The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents an updating of the UN Millennium Development Goals based on integrated development. China is implementing the 2030 Agenda in light of its own conditions, and seeking to achieve an early harvest in poverty eradication.


Developing Siberia and the Russian Far East: A Perspective on China-Russia Cooperation

Shi Ze

Russia’s development of Siberia and its Far East is both an inheritance from its history and consistent with the needs of regional development. China’s active participation in the process will further release the potential of bilateral economic and geopolitical complementarities.


Chinese Solution: A Witness to Chinese Diplomacy Blazing New Paths and Achieving Brilliant Success

Su Xiaohui